Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Christmas Carol Movie

I went to see The Christmas Carol 3D movie at the weekend.

I love all of the different versions of The Christmas Carol and I thought this one was one of the best by far. Watching it in 3D gave the movie something special.

Jim Carey was Scrooge and also played some of the ghosts. And as usual, he acted his parts brilliantly. His character was stingy, unfeeling and abrubt but he gave Scrooge a funny side that the other Christmas Carol films didn't give him before.

The film is about a very wealthy man who is mean to everybody, especially his employee. He lets poverty surround him and believes that those who aren't as well off as him should suffer. He is visited by 3 ghosts Christmas Eve to make him see that he should change or he will suffer the consequences.

The ghost of Christmas past vistits him first. This ghost brings him back to when he was a young boy. He was an lovely young boy. He met a lovely girl and married her. Watching all this brings back memories of times when he was happy and a person who cared for others. As he got older, his personality changed to a totally different person - the pereson he is now. His wife left him and here he is alone.

The ghost of Christmas present visits him next. He shows Scrooge how others are suffering around him. He sees his employee and his family struggling to look after their sick son, and how they are failing to have a nice Christmas dinner because of the stingy pay Scrooge is giving to him. Here, Scrooge is realising how his behaviour has effected others around him.

The last ghost to visit Scrooge is the ghost of Chritmas future. This is the most scary part of the film. It brings Scrooge into the future where he sees his grave marked "Died 25th December", but it doesn't show the year. Scrooge wakes up from this alive and he is over the moon to have been given a second chance to make things better for himself and everybody around him. Beacuse of his experiences Christmas Eve night, he has turned into a jolly, generous man who helps out his employee's family a lot.

I thouroughy enjoyed this film. Watching it in 3D gave it an added effect. I thought it was quirky, and the characters and settings looked very realistic for a cartoon.

The only thing that I didn't like about the film was that it was a bit too scary for a children's film. In my opinion, a child of 5 or 6 would have found it very scary. As it as a film for children, I thought it was a bit too scary. I even jumped at some stages in the film!

Because of this I would give The Christmas Carol 9/10. I thought Jim Carey acted brilliantly in it and the 3 ghosts were very effective, each in their own way. Even though I thought it was a bit scary for a child's cartoon, I thouroughly enjoyed watching it and would definetly watch it every year as a favourite Christmas movie.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jedward Mania!

I cannot beleive what happened on last weekend's X Factor show. The saturday night show was brilliant. I loved Olly, Daniel, Stacey, Lucy and Joe. They were amazing! The judges fought as ususal but that is just part of the show now as far as I'm concerned! Thank God Cheryl's outfits this week were better than last week's.

On Sunday's show two contestants were in the bottom two. They had to sing again and the judges then had to decide on who goes home and who stays. These two people were Louis' John and Edward and Danni's Lucy Jones.

When I heard that these two were in the bottom two, I knew straight away that John and Edward were gone, and Lucy was staying in the competition.

Lucy sang beautifully and gave a great performance. It was a good fighting performance to stay in. On the other hand, John and Edward sang a Robbie williams song. Well, they didn't even sing - they shouted! They jumped around the stage and performed cart wheels! I would have given them 10 out of 10 for making the most of their last perfomance, but they weren't good enough to stay in the competition.

How wrong was I!!!

Danni and Louis both voted to keep their acts in the competition so really the decision was up to Cheryl and Simon. Obviously Cherly picked John and Edward to go home as it is very clear that she rathers Lucy.

When it came to Simon, I thought there was no way he would put it to the public vote. He has always said that he hated John and Edward. He even said that if they win the competition, he would leave the country! He did his usual speach to prolong the procedure of telling the audience what he was going to decide. At this time I didn't even think he would dream of saving John and Edward.

And then he said it!

He was going to save John and Edward which would mean the lowest amount of votes that the act recieved from the public would be going home. I couldn't believe it! First I was shocked, then angry, and now I don't feel anything!! Nothing would surprise me anymore on that show and it wouldn't surprise me if they loose a lot of viewers for next year's show.

Lucy Jones had a great voice and was well able to sing. She sang her heart out every week and proved to everybody that she deserved to be there. On the other hand, John and Edward never sang - they shouted. They never showed the judges and the viewers that they could really sing because:

A: They can't, and
B: They were too busy running around the stage and holding a big production on the stage to show that they can sing.

Although I did feel sorry for them Sunday night. I really believe that they thought they were going home and they did feel really sorry for Lucy when she found out that she was gone.

To conclude, last Sunday's show has knid of turned me off the X Factor. I believe it was a disgrace and only for Olly being in the show, I wouldn't watch it anymore.

Olly to win!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Saw 6 Review

I went to see Saw 6 Friday night. Having watched the first 5, I was expecting this one to be bigger and better, but I was very disappointed.

If you have seen any of the "Saw's", you would know that they are very gruesome, violent and disturbing films. Even though Saw 6 was gruesome, violent and disturbing, it wasn't as good as the other 5.

As you know, these films are about a man who is dying of cancer. He plays games on people that have taken something for granted or treated another person badly. He teaches them a lesson. But theses lessons are very severe. He makes the unfortunate people to choose between life and death. And there are consequences. If you haven't seen these movies, Il let your imagination tell the rest of the story.

The exiting thing about the Saw films is that there is lots of twists and surprises as the film goes on. And when the film finishes, the viewer is totally shocked at the twist in the end. I didn't get a big shock or surprise when this film finished. It was very predictable. I knew what the outcome was going to be before it happened. That really disappointed me. Comparing Saw 6 to Saw 1, to me, there was a big difference.

Also, the "games" that the villain plays with people are very clever. You would wonder who could even think of such kinds of games. Saw 6 only had 2 games which really disappointed me.. Usually there would be five or six games played throughout the movies. In saw 6, I don't think there was enough games played. This may make me sound cruel, but this is what these Saw films are about, and Saw 6 really lacked that.

It would be helpful if you see Saw 1 to 5 before you see Saw 6. If you don't, the story wont make a whole lot of sense to you. Overall, I wasn't impressed with this film. I thought it didn't any justice to the other Saws. I would have preferred going to see a good romantic than see Saw 6. Overall, I would give this film a 4 out of 10.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Im stressed!

This week is the worst week to date, and its only Tuesday!!

I feel so stressed with the work load that we have been given. I love to be kept busy and I would rather being given a project than an exam but this is way too much!!!

I have a number of projects that all have deadlines that are not that far away! I don't know whether its just my mood this week or what, but I feel that I can't do it anymore. I don't have the time to do as much as I have been given. We have four projects to do in a small amount of time and Im not sure I will have them finished, and if I do, I dont think I will be happy with them, as I know they were rushed. I think that I need to take a breather!! I need to take a deep breath and just calm down!!

I am loving my course this year. Its the most interesting part of the course since I started in 2007, but I need more time!! I can't wait until I start my work experience. It will hopefully not be as stressfull as what I am doing now, and it will give me a break from college exams and projects.

About five weeks until the semester finishes and I cannot wait!! I am going to treat myself when this is all over!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Its Friday today and im delighted that it is!!

I was in Glasgow last weekend and I had a great weekend. My brother lives over there so myself and a few friends said we would head over to see him.

To make my week go from good to bad, I crashed my car coming to college Wednesday morning. I wasnt injured and the others werent injured thank god. But there is a lot of damage done to my car and Im not too sure if it is even worth fixing. My car is called Pauline and she is very sick at the moment!!!

Although that made my week a little worse than I expected, Im still in good spirits!! Its Friday today and its my birthday. Im looking foward to having a good weekend and hopefully next week will be a bit better for me!!

Thank crunchy its Friday!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Web Applications

We did a good bit of work today and I am quiet happy that we are learning about HTML. I learned quiet a lot today and hopefully it stay like this for the rest of the semester.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Web Applications

I am quiet unhappy at the moment with my Web Applications class. I dont think I am learning that much - and as DreamWeaver is our main subject to learn in the module, we haven't touched on it since Denise McSweeney did it with us in week 1. We have to create a website and nobody knows how to do it because we don't know how to use DreamWeaver.

I dont want to be a spoilt child about it, but I am really unhappy in this class at the moment. I hope something changes soon for my sake and the rest of the class. Its not fair on me or the rest of BBADMIN.

He just walked out of our class!!

The X Factor - Week 2 of Live Finals

Last Saturday was the second live show and I'm loving it more and more every week!

Cherly performed on the Sunday show and I thought she was amazing! I was very nervous for her because she got a lot of bad press about it being live or not. Her dancing was brilliant and I thought her singing was better than what a lot of people expected.

When it came to Whitney Houston's performance I was expecting a lot better. I thought her dress was too long, and when the back came apart, I thought the whole performance was a joke. I didn't think she was fully with it either if you know what I mean!

Poor Ricky, but I dont think he was a great performer and he didn't have the likebilty factor.

I cant' belivee that John and Edward are still in the competition. I thought people voted for them last week just to annoy Simon and all the other "John and Edward" haters! They better go this week because all the other singers are a lot better that them two clowns!!

Olly was absolutely brilliant!! I love him!! He was really funny on the Xtra Factor when he won this weeks competition. He had to act 3 different scenes and he was so hilarious!!

Olly to win!!!
My Repeat Exam.

I have a repeat exam at the end of this semester. I carried it on form last year and it is Economics. I failed it again in August by only 7%. I was gutted that I didn't get 40% as I worked really hard to pass it during the summer.

Next Tuesday I have the 30% assessment in the module, so I am hoping that if I do well in that, I will pass it with flying colours at Christmas.

It is a really hard subject - for me. It's kind of like Maths, or Accounting. You either get it or you don't. People who understand it naturally have no problem with the subject, but if you are a person that just doesn't "get" it, it is 100 times harder for you to study it. And this is the knid of subject that I just don't get.

This will be my 3rd time sitting this exam - third time lucky! Hopefully!!
As we are now in week 6, college is getting harder and harder. With more assessments and assignments being given to us, I am feeling the pressure very much this week.

I have an exam today which is multiple choice. That wont be too bad but because there is a lot of material to cover, I am feeling under pressure today.

I had another exam yesterday. It was Web Applications. It actually went better than I thought it would, so I am quiet pleased with that exam.

One down and one to go!!

These assessments are only worth 10/15/20% but doing well in theses exams will mean that I could get better results at the end of the semester, and take a lot of the pressure off for me when it comes to doing the end of semester examinations.

The next couple of weeks will be hard, but if I put in a lot of effort and time into my work, I know I will recieve the results that I want and deserve.

Roll on Christmas!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The X Factor

Last Saturday was the first live episode of the X Factor where 12 acts were reduced to 11 on the live show on Sunday. And I am addicted!

I loved Saturday and Sunday's show. My favourite act this year is Olly. I love him! His mentor is Simon Cowell who is looking after the Over 25's this year. I think his category is the best this year. His 3 acts are very strong singers and are great entertainers. Olly sang "Angels" by Robbie Williams who was the celebrity mentor this week and performed on Sunday night. Olly performed his song brilliantly. His nerves showed at the start of the song but he gave a great performance and I want him to win.

There was a lot of bickering amongst the judges, especially between Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowel. I was shocked when Danni Minogue said that awful comment to Daniel Johnson about his sexual reference. I think she was out of line as his sexuality is nobody's business but his own. Although she did apologise on the Sunday show which was the right thing to do in my opinion.

I am disgusted that John and Edward were put through. I think all the other acts are better singers than the twins and I believe that they should have been sent home.

I think Stacey is very funny! She's just what the competition needs! I do think Daniel Johnson is very confident and maybe the comments that Cheryl and Louis said were right, but I still think he is a good.

The act that I am most excited to see next week is Miss Frank. I hope there is a bit of more funkiness in their act because although they were very good last Saturday, they didn't rap and I think people were a bit disappointed.

I'm looking foward to next weekend's show, mostly because Cherly is performing her new song. I cant wait to see what she is like, and I really like that song.

Olly to win!!!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Lisbon Treaty

Last week the country determined the future of the country by approving the Lisbon Treaty. After failing to get a "yes" vote last year, the Government brought it in again this year.

I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. I believe that it would benefit the country in a way as it would help us escape this financial crisis that we are in. On the other hand, I had a bad feeling about it as I think that in the future, more bad could come of it than good. I felt there was a secretive aspect to it where in the future we may be in the situation where we were not fully informed about the Lisbon Treaty and its hidden laws. We may find ourselves in the situation where the Government could bring in a new law or rule that the country never believed it could or would be brought in.

I voted "no" due to the reason explained above. I didn't listen to the "no" campaign as much this year as I know that a lot of it is made up. For example, the minimum wage dropping to €1.84 an hour. I didn't believe this for a minute.

On a positive note, maybe voting "yes" was a good idea as it will help Ireland to escape this financial mess. We need a break through, and as I am going on work placement in 2010, by then, hopefully, there may be more jobs available not just to me, but to the rest of my class also.

On the other hand, I do believe there was a hidden meaning to the Lisbon Treaty. I don't know what it is but I'm sure we will all find out in the near future.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Me Myself and I

Welcome to my blog!

Name is Deirdre Lucey, everyone calls me Dee. Third year in CIT studying Business Administration. Last year and looking foward to finishing. I have a feeling that this year is going to be tough as it is the final year. January I have work placement so I'm looking foward to that. Driving up and down again this year in my Polo called Pauline!!